We all have some sort of fear, but through the evolution of technology and the ability to get endless likes and reposts of our woes, our fears have become something of a cultural phenomenon.  What used to be one person telling a friend something shocking, whether true or not, we now live in a culture where that one friend is actually our social medial platform and there are people reinforcing our projections, leading to a hijacking of our emotions.  Our 24-hour news cycles also play into this cultural hijacking..  Not everything is a crisis, just because the news channels tell us it is.  

How our news media and social culture perpetuate fear through our society is the subject of Dr Patrick Lockwood’s book, The Fear Problem: How Technology and Culture Have Hijacked Our Minds and Our Lives

Listen in to hear:

  1. The evolution of how our news and social media channels has seemingly hijacked out emotional states.
  2. How fear is growing out of control in unnoticeable ways.
  3. The 2 types of fear and which one is easier to control.
  4. How the  brain regulates fear.  (I promise, you won’t need a neuroscience degree to understand this).
  5. How fear can dictate an unhealthy attachment to our phones.
  6. Some of the consequences of letting our fear get out of control.
  7. What can we do to counteract this collective fear response to non-crisis events.

You can find Dr Patrick Lockwood at PatrickLockwoodHealing.com .

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Listen to Shrink@Shrink to learn about love and life through the movies every month.

Ladies, Look for the upcoming Embrace Your Inner Leader Podcast  The Embrace Your Inner Leader Podcast every month to get empowered and inspired by unique female stories of success!

You can buy the book: Stop Bitching, Just Lead! The 60-Day Plan for Embracing Your Inner Leader

If you want to work with Colleen for personal 1:1 coaching to help you conquer the chaos in your life, just reach out through CoachingThroughChaos.com click on the Contact page.

Thanks for listening!

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